Happy Business Meeting

We Help Ecommerce Brands Offend Their Competition With Hilariously Profitable Advertising Campaigns

Return on ad spend not high enough? That's OK. Click on “Get A Price” to fill out a questionnaire & learn how we can add a few million to your net worth in 12 months or less.
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Automate Customer Aqusition
Become #1 In Your Market
Scale To 8-Figures & Beyond

Join 60+ Superhero Ecommerce Founders

See Through Walls & Predict The Future Using Our Custom Client Dashboards With Live Reporting

Instead of separately copy/pasting data from Shopify, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Analytics, and other tools, we use an app called Supermetrics to pull all the data you need directly into your own personalized client dashboard. At any point, you can refer to it and get a clear breakdown of exactly how much was spent, how much was made, what your net profit was and more without scattered marketing data slowing you down.

Benefits our customers love

Ramp up cart abandonment recovery to 15%+

Follow up with potential customers who abandoned their cart, and encourage them to complete their purchase.

Amplify customer lifetime value by 200%

Create ads that light potential customers up like a Christmas tree and make them promote your products for you.

Increase average order value by 150%

Acquire valuable customers with high purchase intent and upsell them using captivating retargeting ads.

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve been burnt by other agencies before... What makes you different?

Here at Ecom Jetpack, we've worked with the best in the industry to produce millions of dollars in return on ad spend. We do away with the inefficiencies & formalities that plague most agencies.

Our case studies have become myth, our waiting list is longer than your complaints with your current agency and we look for a very specific kind of client.

We will not take on unless we are absolutely certain you are going to be the right culture fit for our agency and it will be a long term partnership.

I have a marketing person in house. Shouldn’t they be doing this?

Quite frankly, there are only a handful of agencies on earth that can deliver these kinds of results. Any marketer worth his/her salt is already rich and not looking for a job (sorry, but it’s true). We recommend that at the very least, you bring in expert help while setting up your funnel.

What exactly are you promising?

We are promising that you will be able to:

  • Understand your increased revenue potential with retargeting & cart abandonment recovery.
  • Maximize your conversion rate & average order value using a streamlined funnel format.
  • Consistently achieve a hilariously high return on ad spend using hyper-resonant ad copy.
  • Feel empowered, confident, and motivated because your marketing is taken care of.
  • Save years of time and thousands or millions of dollars.

How do I know your solution will work for me? Who hasn't it worked for?

Paid traffic works on a case by case basis, the only way to know for sure if we are the right fit is by scheduling a demo call with our team so we can learn more about your sales process. However, if your business isn't planning on spending more than $5000 per month in ad spend, we won’t be able to help you at your current scale.

What evidence do you have to back up these promises and claims?

We have a proven track record and an extensive library of content including feature demo videos, client testimonials, case studies, content templates and exclusive industry insights.

What are typical contract terms?

When we sign on a new client we always start off with a 3-month retainer. After the initial 90 days the contract is month to month.

Generate Spine-Chilling ROAS with Ecom Jetpack

It's time to make your ad-budget count, scale your business and blow up your sales. This is not your typical "marketing agency". We provide you with everything you need to be successful.

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Automate Customer Aqusition
Become #1 In Your Market
Scale To 8-Figures & Beyond